Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
I've always wanted to make palmiers.
These crispy buttery heart shaped cookies are oh so chic and call to my inner francophile. So when it came time for our Baking for Hospice
Summertime Round I knew I had to make
Sakura Cherry Blossom & Lemon Palmiers. Although technically the arrival of the blooming gorgeous cherry blossoms herald the start of spring rather than summer, it was the perfect excuse to use the bottle of Sakura or Cherry Blossom sugar that my brother's lovely girlfriend brought back for me from Japan.
Merci beaucoup!
I sat down this evening to post about these pretty palmiers and was just about to put fingers to keyboard when I heard over the news what day today was. March 11, the one year anniversary of the devastating Sendai earthquake and tsunami.
{sakura sugar} |
I remember the evening vividly. It was the eve before my grandma's funeral and we were at the funeral home when we received news about the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami just the coast of Sendai. An earthquake so powerful it shifted the earth off its axis and created a tsunami over 30m high. It floored us, my brother especially. My brother's girlfriend was living and teaching English in Sendai, the city that got the brunt of the tsunami. Try as he might he couldn't get in touch with her. My brother texted and called late into the night, his eyes never leaving the devastating footage on TV. He stayed up all night watching the carnage unfold and eventually, in the early hours of the morning, he got finally through to Winsy. She was safe.
Thank God.
But not everyone was so lucky. So my heart, thoughts and prayers tonight go out to all those who one year on are still, recovering, grieving, and remembering.
{massive thank you to my cousin-in-law susy for these pretty as a picture cupcake wrappers xox} |