"If a man loves the labour of his trade, apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him" ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Labours of love. We've all done 'em. Those little side projects that you pour your heart into for no reward other than a job well done at the end of the day. You know those ones? You do it because you love it or because you believe it's a good and noble cause. A labour of love can be hugely satisfying, incredibly fulfilling, and emotionally and spiritually rewarding.
They can also eat your life.
My all consuming labour of love for the last little bit has been helping put together the 2011 Med School Yearbook/Magazine. Rachel (our visionary editor in chief), Clark (graphic designer extraordinaire), and I (deputy editor/grammar police) have been like Siamese triplets for the last couple of months: slaving away on all-nighter after all-nighter, sucking down litres of coffee, umming and ahhing over articles/backgrounds/layouts, and battling through funding fiascos; to put together our beautiful,
almost full-colour, totally badass magazine which is going to print
We love it like it's our first born. Our first born who we poured our blood, sweat, and tears into. Our first born who has grown up, graduated, and should really be moving out of home now.
So mucho soz for the big gaps in posting. It's because I've been consumed by this new amazing project, this current labour of love (and also coz managed to stuff my back but that's a story for another day). I don't think I've ever laughed so much, slept so little, worked so hard, and learnt so many new fandangled words. And I got to know and love two of the most creative and talented people I've ever had the privilege to work with. It's been incredible.
{spot the terrible segue} |
You know what else is incredible: sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce - my favourite pudding. Before these last stages of manic craziness for the magazine fully set in, I was up in Auckland for a week on study break. I always bake like a banshee every time I go home and this time I made an adaptation of my fav pud as a birthday cake for a family friend:
Sticky Date Cake with Butterscotch Swiss Meringue Buttercream and Butterscotch Sauce.